


准备出售 为什么卖?

你为什么想卖掉你的房产? 你打算找一处更大的房子吗, 还是你打算搬到另一个社区, 学区, 城市或州? 你可能认为你的理由很明显, but it would do well to consider the implications of each option for your 生活方式, 机会, 和财务. Being clear about your intentions for selling will make it easier for us to determine the most appropriate option for your specified financial, 生活方式, 房地产目标.


尽早建立销售的时间框架. 如果你有个人考虑的话, 比如工作邀请, that doesn’t allow you much flexibility for your selling time frame, 然后你的经纪人会和你一起工作. We can help you accelerate the process by giving you a thorough market analysis and action plan to best fit your goals. 如果你不需要立即出售, we will sit down with you and review current market conditions to find the ideal time to sell.




通常, homes sell more frequently in the summer months because they look their best - lawns are green and flowers are blooming. 优美的景观对买家来说非常有吸引力. Many families will buy in the summer months because they want their kids to finish out the school year before they move. Economic conditions also determine real estate demands. Selling your house during periods of low interest rates can benefit you because buyers will obtain mortgage loans more easily. Periods of low unemployment and pent-up demand also ensures an accessible pool of potential buyers. We will help you determine the best selling price for your property by looking at a myriad of factors including the current market value, 类似的菲律宾十大彩票平台, 设施, 财务状况, 维修, 面积, 和更多的.


Selling your property is a big financial decision. It requires an in-depth look at your current financial situation, as well as future 机会. Many independent property owners overestimate the value of their home. This leads to properties sitting idly on the market for long periods of time. 另一方面, 如果你给你的财产定价太低, you could cheat yourself out of thousands of dollars. Having an experienced agent on your side will prevent you from making these mistakes. 当你和我们一起工作时, we will create a detailed report so you can easily assess the financial impact of selling your property. We will also help you create effective tax saving and estate planning strategies. We are committed to helping you take control of your 财务状况 and using them to their full potential.


没有专业代理, most independent property sellers tend to overestimate the value of their property. You can avoid this pitfall by consulting with an experienced real estate listing agent.

You can do a lot to increase the appeal of your property and to create a lasting impact on potential buyers.

  1. 抑制的吸引力. 更新你的景观. 如果你有草坪,确保修剪得很好. Depending on the season, you might consider adding some colorful flowers or fresh greenery.
  2. 润色细节. 简单的升级,比如修理窗户, 地毯和瓷砖处理, and a fresh coat of paint will instantly highlight the property’s details.
  3. 整洁有序. 简单中有美. Remove the extra personal items and clutter to keep a cleaner look. Your agent may suggest adding mirrors to certain walls, fresh flowers to dining tables or candles in the kitchen.
  4. 披露和检查. If the property does have any complications, we will help you create a thorough disclosure statement. We will also make sure the necessary inspections and 维修 are handled in the case of a crucial issue.
  5. 展示时间. 买家 feel more comfortable discussing the property directly with the agent. Your agent will engage with their expertise in your property and the most important negotiating factors.


第一印象意味着一切. Before you decide to list your home, give it a deep clean. 这意味着清洁厕所, 擦拭表面, 拖地板。, cleaning rugs and scrubbing bathrooms - and even consider calling in the professionals to ensure that your home is in the best condition it can possibly be.

当家里没有杂物时, buyers are able to focus on the actual home instead of on the piles of mail, 洗衣, 家里一片混乱. Potential buyers want to envision their items on your counter versus resisting the urge to clean up your mess. Decluttering and organizing your space will go a long way in appealing to potential buyers.

卖房子的时候, you should make sure everything that needs to be fixed has been taken care of before listing a home. Potential buyers will come into your home knowing you took care of it, 让他们更安心.

Not only is painting a great way to clean up the walls but making the overall color scheme neutral will increase the appeal to potential buyers, making it easier for them to envision their belongings in the house - get rid of any bright, outdated paint colors and go with a neutral palette throughout the house.


Staged homes tend to fill quickly because they feel homier - if you have neutral furniture that you can leave in the home, 这样做, 否则,可以考虑找专业的演出公司.


你想留几个漂亮的, framed photos around the house to make the home appear inviting and lived in, 但总的来说, 拿走你的私人物品, such as family photos will let the potential buyers see their photos in those places, 与你的.

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